Amphitrite Studio
In Greek mythology, Amphitrite was the Goddess of the Sea... Wife of Poseidon, mother to the mermaids & mermen, sea nymphs, dolphins and seals. Also know by poets as the Goddess of the Golden Spindle, which is in regards to spinning golden fibers and certainly seems fitting. We also lean into the believe that linen is the fiber of the Gods.
The majestic sea & mother nature is our inspiration here, we are souls of the earth. The aim is to give back to mother nature in a positive way and make the smallest footprint possible.
The Studio is committed to creating and using ‘good for you and the earth’ items from start to finish. All paper & shipping supplies used are from recycled papers and or compostable, the business cards are even made from recycled tee shirts using 100% wind power. Every item that leaves the studio is freshly laundered in all natural detergents and ironed so that you can use it right away.