Carlos Benaim

Carlos Benaim is a legendary master perfumer known for his timeless and innovative creations. Born in Morocco and trained at International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF), Benaim has crafted some of the most iconic fragrances in modern perfumery, including “Polo” by Ralph Lauren, “Euphoria” by Calvin Klein, and “Portrait of a Lady” by Frédéric Malle. His work is celebrated for its richness, balance, and emotional depth, often blending traditional techniques with modern innovation. A recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Fragrance Foundation, Benaim’s contributions to the fragrance world have solidified his status as one of the most influential figures in the industry.

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Maison d'Etto - In Stock
Rotano / $10

Rotano by Maison d'Etto

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In Stock - Maison d'Etto
Rotano / $10