Fleur de Sable by Liquides Imaginaires is a unique and intriguing fragrance that opens with the exotic notes of Egalatine rose, myrrh, and pink pepper. The heart introduces black pepper and orris root, adding a spicy and earthy dimension. The base features paprika and mandarin orange, providing a warm and slightly tangy finish. This fragrance is perfect for those who enjoy a blend of floral, spicy, and citrus notes with a distinctive and memorable character.
Amélie Bourgeois is a renowned French perfumer and co-founder of the Flair studio in Paris, where she creates bespoke fragrances for a variety of clients. Trained at Cinquième Sens, Bourgeois has a unique approach to perfumery that blends personal experiences and emotions with artistic creativity. Her work is characterized by its introspective nature, often telling a story through scent. Bourgeois has collaborated with numerous niche brands, creating fragrances that are both innovative and deeply personal. Bourgeois’s work is celebrated for its ability to evoke strong emotional responses, making her one of the most sought-after perfumers in the industry. Her fragrances often incorporate unusual and surprising combinations of notes, resulting in compositions that are both complex and harmonious. Amélie Bourgeois continues to influence the world of perfumery with her artistic vision and dedication to the craft.
Liquides Imaginaires is a niche fragrance house that explores the symbolic, mystical, and narrative aspects of scent, creating olfactory experiences deeply rooted in mythology, spirituality, and history. Known for its artistic and evocative fragrances, the brand transports wearers to otherworldly realms, offering a sensory journey that is both immersive and enlightening. Each collection is designed to evoke a specific theme or journey, educating consumers on how fragrances can convey complex stories and emotions. Liquides Imaginaires encourages a deeper understanding of the cultural and historical significance of perfume, positioning itself as a gateway to exploring the rich heritage and artistic expression inherent in the world of scent.
- Perfumer: Amelie Bourgeois
- Made in: France
- Fragrance Type: EDP
- Fragrance Category: Spicy, Floral
- Fragrance Accords: Floral, Spicy, Amber
- Notes:
- Top: Egalatine Rose, Myrrh, Pink Pepper
- Middle: Black Pepper, Orris Root
- Bottom: Paprika, Mandarin Orange
- Wood:
- Marble/Travertine:
- Metal:
- Fabric:
- Glass:
- Ceramic: