Osvaldo Borsani

Throughout the 1940's and early 50's, Borsani produced a large body of work including case goods, storage pieces, and seating. Balancing his pieces perfectly between lines and curves, function and elegance, lightness and robustness, Osvaldo Borsani and his twin brother founded the company Tecno in 1953 that became known for its technological approach to furniture design.


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Osvaldo Borsani - In Stock
1960's Italian Adjustable Table / $12,100

1960's Italian Adjustable Table by Osvaldo Borsani

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In Stock - Osvaldo Borsani
1960's Italian Adjustable Table / $12,100

Osvaldo Borsani - In Stock
1958 Italian P40 Chair / $11,100

1958 Italian P40 Chair by Osvaldo Borsani

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In Stock - Osvaldo Borsani
1958 Italian P40 Chair / $11,100